Welcome Armarium Operations Division
  • Cooperation with Ouyeel Cloud Business
    Cooperation with Ouyeel Cloud

    Fanglue Group is association with Ouyeel of Baosteel Group, to achieve commodity trade logistics take "Internet"and touch "Cloud"In-depth talks in conference room (3F) of A districtJanuary 27, 2016, Ouyeel cloud busines [详细]

  • Xining Changfeng Company Yu Shaojie Inspection Cooperation To The Group
    Xining Changfeng Company Yu Sh

    OnMarch8,2016inqinghaixiningWuMaochangfenggroupco.,LTD.,vicegeneralmanagerofYuShaojielineofinvestigationandcooperation,togroupgroupvicechairmanandindustriallogisticsoperationsbusinessPresidentMaZijiang,industriallogisticsoperationsbusinessmanagementv [详细]

  • A new record has been created by JWGO
    A new record has been created

    Fanglue Group JWGO e-business platform has created a new record in single-day sales. [详细]

  • Negotiation with Pingyang Heavy Industries
    Negotiation with Pingyang Heav

    Group Vice Chairman, Industrial Division Leader Ma Ziqiang and his entourage negotiated cooperation with Pingyang Heavy IndustriesThe factory of Shanxi Pingyang Heavy Industry and Machinery Co., Ltd.January 27, 2016, Vice Chairman, Industrial Logisti [详细]

  • group has won excellent city industry and commerce chamber of commerce medal
    group has won excellent city i

    The Houma federation of industry and commerce working mettingFor group 2015 Excellent member enterprise the signboardOn March 8,2016, houma association and the chamber of commerce in huaxiang shopping plaza 8 floor meeting room 2015 annual work summa [详细]

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