Welcome Armarium Operations Division
  • local standards passed the final Appeal
    local standards passed the fin

    local standards compiled by Group’s Industrial logistics division recently passed the final Appeal of the provincial quality supervision departments of local standards.The main drafters, director of the industrial logistics division office for Stan [详细]

  • RiZhao Port Container Company, Group Marketing Company Inspection Cooperation
    RiZhao Port Container Company,

    SecretaryoftherizhaoportcontainercompanyWangXiang(fourthright),groupmarketingcompanygeneralmanagerQinXubo(thirdleft),infrontofthegategroupphotoOn February 28, 2016, rizhao port container, secretary of the company is introduced, group marketing Qin Xu [详细]

  • Letv Vice Chairman LiRui Visit to Group Cooperation
    Letv Vice Chairman LiRui Visit

    Li,vicechairmanoftheboardofdirectors(secondfromleft)beforethegroupportparkbayonettolistentothestrategygroupofstaffOnMarch3,2016Letvholdingsvicechairmanlilineoffourpeopletoplangrouponbothsidesofthewhole,multi-levelkeycooperationforfieldtrips,groupchai [详细]

  • Vice Chairman Ma Ziqiang went Geraldton, Australia to study cooperation
    Vice Chairman Ma Ziqiang went

    February 10, 2016, the very beginning of Chinese New Year. Group Vice Chairman Ma Ziqiang went to Australia to study cooperation across the oceans with a New Year\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s blessing.Vice Chairman Ma Ziqiang in the city of Geraldton [详细]

  • Network Information Center Organizational Training
    Network Information Center Org

    Group company website is advertising platform, make more people know aboutGroup company. In 2015, To forgroup company need, the collectivization management, business operation, network operations business with science and technology innovation as the [详细]

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